Photo shoot for The Fight for Peace

As much as I love writing (and I must, because I get up every morning and persist at it) there are other phases of bringing a book to market that I enjoy almost as much. In fact, the everyday nature of the actual writing makes these side adventures extra pleasurable. I only get to do them once per book, so the novelty counts for a lot. It also usually means I’m getting near the end of another tome, which really gets me excited. So here we are doing another photo shoot for a book cover!

Here’s the basic setup:

Our friends Chris and Tina gave us a good rate on a hand model. We would like to introduce to the world Kyleigh Hogan, who was a pleasure to work with. Not at all temperamental and stuck-up like some other models I’ve shot.

Maybe I was having too much fun:

Kyleigh went off-script a few times, but mostly stuck to what I demanded of her. Sometimes you have to let the model thinks she’s coming up with some good ideas of her own. (All these shots will be deleted, of course)

After a quick break, wherein Kyleigh spent the entire time texting her entourage about some after-party later that night, we got back to shooting:

Wow. Excellent stuff. Stay tuned to see what the fourth and final (for now) Molly Fyde book is going to look like. I should have a rough mock-up done by tomorrow.

One response to “Photo shoot for The Fight for Peace”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jessica Martin, Betsy Katz. Betsy Katz said: RT @MollyFyde Another book cover photo shoot: […]

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