Search results for: “NaNoWriMo”

  • NaNoWriMo WrapUp

    Well, it’s really, really official: I won NaNoWriMo 2009 (along with tens of thousands of others). I uploaded my manuscript to their official word-count bots, and after they did their number-crunching thingy, I was directed to a page with the following graphic: And this nice little note: You did it, writer. Pitted against a merciless…

  • NaNoWriMo Status

    13284 / 50000 words. 27% done!

  • NaNoWriMo Sample

  • NaNoWriMo – Day One

    2,600 words so far. The average daily output needs to be 1,666.67 to reach that 50,000 milestone by the end of the month. My target is going to be 3,000/day, just in case my signing events and travel time knock me out of commission every now and then. So, what am I writing about, you…

  • Neo – A Word Processor for Authors

    Neo – A Word Processor for Authors

      I should start by saying that yes, I’ve used the word processor you’re about to mention. I’ve tried them all. From yWriter and Scrivener, to Hank’s Writer and OpenOffice, to FocusWriter and Page 4. I’ve probably tried writing apps that you’ve never heard of. I’m the guy in the middle of the Venn diagram…