Standalone Works

These works aren’t part of any particular series.

  • Second Suicide

    Second Suicide

    Eight days to planetfall, and I’m being transferred to Gunner. My tentacles slime in disgust. Or is it fear? If this is the last planet we ever conquer, I’ll be glad. Be nice to settle down somewhere, get off this ship, own a square of land, learn to love all that open sky. Eight more… Continue reading

  • The Plagiarist

    The Plagiarist

    Adam Griffey is living two lives. By day, he teaches literature. At night, he steals it. Adam is a plagiarist, an expert reader with an eye for great works. He prowls simulated worlds perusing virtual texts, looking for the next big thing. And when he finds it, he memorizes it page by page, line by… Continue reading

  • I, Zombie

    I, Zombie

    WARNING: NOT FIT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION This book contains foul language and fouler descriptions of life as a zombie. It will offend most anyone, so proceed with caution or not at all. And be forewarned: This is not a zombie book. This is a different sort of tale. It is a story about the unfortunate,… Continue reading

  • Glitch


    When a robot defies his programming, is he broken? Or is he something else? Get a Copy Continue reading

  • The Hurricane

    The Hurricane

    Daniel Stillman has 42 Facebook friends. His cell phone contains 18 contacts, two of them for pizza delivery. Six people follow him on Twitter. Four readers subscribe to his blog; he’s pretty sure one of them followed him on accident. And now a category 5 storm is about to wipe all this away. Get a… Continue reading