
  • The Story of My Middling Success (Part 3)

    In part one, I told you about my spooky October, when book sales crept up on me, and I began losing sleep over their eventual plummet and gruesome end. Then I regaled you with my chilling November, where the Fall should surely have come to return me to ignoble obscurity. And now this little trilogy of gut-spilling… Continue reading

  • Predict the Wool 5 Suckage!

    First, can you guess how many emails/tweets/Facebook/Goodreads messages I’ve received concerning Wool 5? I’ll give you a hint: It’s more than I get from estranged Nigerian princesses who want me to take their millions and make sweet love to them. (Yeah, that many!) So, what does this mean for Wool 5? It means the Suckage… Continue reading

  • The best day of my writing life.

    Well, I haven’t been doing this terribly long, and I’ve had some incredible moments along the way (completing my first novel, singing a contract with Norlights Press, shaking hands and meeting fans at book signings), but today may be the best damn day of my writing life thus far. Any day you get ten or… Continue reading

  • The Story of my Middling Success (Part 2)

    Let’s go back a couple of months, back before I had any idea this Middling Success was barreling down on me. It’s 11:00 at night on October 31st, and I’m in bed, blogging. In one hour, National Novel Writing Month 2011 will begin, and tens of thousands of kooks all around the world will join me in attempting… Continue reading

  • The Story of My Middling Success (Part 1)

    It happened in late October as I was organizing my thoughts for another NaNo book (this one was to be about a boy who runs away with the galactic circus). Just a week out from commencing the ludicrous endeavor of writing a 50,000 word novel in 30 days, I ran out of my usual circle… Continue reading