Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, everyone. I hope all your dreams come true in 2014. Thank you for making mine come true in 2013. I hope you discover and read some great books this coming year. And to all the writers: congrats on getting your thoughts down and getting your stories published. You all mean the world to me. You’ve turned my life upside down. I can’t thank you enough for the kindness and support.

12 responses to “Happy New Year!”

  1. We thank YOU, Hugh Howey, for bringing us to new worlds and giving us great adventures through your books. Happy New Year!

  2. Like Debby said, I’d thank you, HH. I enjoyed all the Wool books in 2013, and probably Sand will be my first SF book of 2014.
    One of my new year wishes: Any chance we can see your sketch of all the diving equipments? :D
    Happy New Year~

  3. Thank you, Hugh. You are awesomesauce and amazeballs and all those other new words! I read 143 books this year and yours are always at the top of the list for me.

  4. Loving the Molly Fyde series…my first thought when I started reading was “Firefly!” My second thought was “Yay!” because I love Firefly and I love even more that the Mal Reynolds/Jim Kirk figure is a girl. I hope to get my daughter reading the series after I finish it because I think Molly is a real inspiration.

    If Hollywood comes to its senses and options the movie rights for this series, who would you dreamcast as Molly and Cole?

    1. Thanks, Shannon! I love that people are discovering her stories. Can’t wait to get back to those characters.

      I don’t know enough young actors to pick a Molly and Cole. I think it’d be a fun TV series. A Firefly for a younger audience (which would include my 38-year-old-self). :)

  5. Happy New Year to you! Last year my goal was to finish my novel. This year I’ve set the goal a notch higher: self-publish. I’ve had a great example to follow. Thanks for the inspiration and for both giving and giving back to you your readers.

  6. Happy New Year!
    Actually – Scary New Year for me. I lost my job last year (redundancy), then managed to grab a contract for 5 months, but during that time my book sales went BOOM and I officially went full-time as an indie writer December 20th!
    So, 2014 is a complete life change for me, right out the gate.
    Scared? Very!
    Excited? Oh Yeah!

  7. Ludovika Fjortende Avatar
    Ludovika Fjortende

    Happy New Year, Hugh! Charla Arabie said to me that SAND is amazing (“Hugh did it again!” she said. Lovely). I read only that part you sent to your subscribers — will wait for the full Omnibus and I looking forward to it.

    I wish you a lot of health and inspiration!

  8. Happy New Year Hugh! I got great joy this year out of recommending you to a LOT of people and watching them fall into your worlds like I did. Can’t wait to finish SAND!

  9. Happy new year Hugh. Last year I discovered you and now I’m a big fan. My plan is to catch up with all your book this year and I’m excited ! I’ll spread the word in Israel.

  10. “Happy New Year, everyone. I hope all your dreams come true in 2014.” Happy New Year right back at ya!

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