The New and Improved Molly Series

Well, I’ve been putting this off for a long time, so it felt good to start tackling the odious task of updating the Kindle editions of the Molly books. It all started with an email from a fan pointing out a typo or two. This set me off on what I hoped would be a quick fix, but a Kindle preview showed me that my formatting on the MF books isn’t nearly as clean as my WOOL series. So I started re-doing them. All four books. Including some rewrites in the first book. Which has consumed most of my day.

The new files won’t be live until sometime tomorrow. They’re so much better (the formatting, at least), that I feel sorry for the people who’ve already read them on their Kindles. At least future buyers will have a cleaner time of it.

When I first put the Kindle editions up, I assumed they would be secondary to the print versions. How wrong I was! I think I’ll have to do another giveaway soon to get this better version in the hands of many. And I’m still toying with the idea of breaking the books up into shorter sections; they were practically written with this in mind.

2 responses to “The New and Improved Molly Series”

  1. After reading the Wools I turned my wife on to your writing and she’s now almost done with the last Molly book… I can tell she loves your fiction, but she did mention a few instances where editing was lacking just a bit… But the fact that she keeps gobbling up every written word you have put out tells me that despite some editing errors you are an impressive writer.

    1. Yeah, I’ve been meaning to go back through the Kindle editions. I was working without complete oversight for three of those books, and I’ve cleaned my style up a bit in the years since. Hopefully this year will see some improvements to what I think are great stories, just with a few glaring typos and grammatical flaws here and there.

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